4 Ways to Increase Cyber Security

Establishing cyber security is important for any business to safely operate without the fear of losing valuable data. Data breaches and cyber-attacks involving malware can cause severe financial harm to businesses of all sizes.

Establishing Cyber Security

Because these types of threats are so pervasive and the gravity of potential harm is substantial, proactive measures to reduce the risk of harm are fundamental to an effective risk management plan. Here are the steps business owners can take to fortify their network and data security.

Offer Training for Your Staff

Not every person is a cyber security expert, but you need everyone to understand your security procedures thoroughly. Specifically, it would help if you gave policies a practical context so that people can firmly grasp what they need to do in their job roles to comply with applicable procedures. 

Giving thorough training about security protocols can equip your staff to recognize potential threats such as suspicious emails and phishing attempts. Also, training initiatives reinforce the underlying importance of preventing cyber-attacks in all of your operations. This strong emphasis on security can make it a central part of your company culture that everyone is on board with. 

Comply With Regulatory Requirements

The way that a company manages data involves some legal concerns. Some states have laws governing how corporations protect consumers’ personal information. The Senate recently passed cyber security legislation obligating businesses to notify affected parties of a data breach within 72 hours.

Ensure that your business’s cyber security plan is consistent with relevant law. Demonstrable efforts to comply with affirmative duties regarding data security could help to protect a business from cyber liability claims. 

Communicate Safely

How can you increase your cyber security in your business communications? A few safeguards can protect email accounts and the content in messages. Use encrypted emails to transmit sensitive financial information. Use secure logins with limited authorizations so that people cannot inadvertently download harmful content in emails.

Make Adjustments to Accommodate Remote Work

When you evaluate how to boost your cyber security, you may need to consider concerns that are unique to protecting a hybrid workplace against online threats. When employees access networks and data remotely, it can create more vulnerabilities to breaches. Be sure to address issues that are particularly important for remote dynamics, including antivirus programs and safely storing data.

Ultimately, businesses need to bear in mind that outsourcing IT management will not necessarily give them a remedy in a cyber security breach. Likewise, outsourcing will not alleviate them of liability if a breach causes harm to a third party. Businesses must remain steadfast about maintaining strong security measures and adapt their defensive strategies as threats continue to evolve. 

About Provident Protection Plus

At Provident Protection Plus, we have served the businesses and residents of New Jersey, New York, and Pennsylvania for more than 60 years. We are a wholly-owned subsidiary of Provident Bank, the region’s premier banking institution, and we are prepared to offer you personal, business, employee benefits, and risk management solutions. To learn more about our coverage options, contact our specialists today at (888) 990-0526.