Protecting your Home While on Vacation

Protecting your Home While on VacationSummer is right around the corner and you’re likely going to be taking a few vacations this year. While extended vacations can be rewarding, there are some security considerations to make before jetting off for a few weeks. Empty homes are targets for criminals, especially when it’s obvious that no one is home. After securing your home with a customized Augusta High-Value Homeowners Insurance policy, be proactive about protecting your home with the following tips.

Ask a friend to check in on your home.

Give a neighbor or a friend the key to your house to bring in any mail, take in packages, take in the trash cans, etc. This will give the illusion that someone is home and deter potential criminals from breaking in. Or, if you won’t be gone that long, consider using – they can report any suspicious activity through the website, which will notify you immediately.

Don’t air your business on social media.

The last thing you want to do is notify the world that you’ll be out of town on vacation via social media. Wait until you return to post pictures and announce your trip. Next, if you have a voicemail set up on your home phone, don’t customize it to say you’re out of town. Otherwise, you might as well be inviting criminal activity to your home.

Be mindful of the small things.

Rather than close your curtains, consider leaving them open. While this may seem counter-productive, closed curtains signal that you’re not home and can also deter neighbors and friends from seeing what’s going on in your home. But, be sure to remove expensive items out of plain view. Next, don’t leave your lights on during your entire vacation. Not only is this a waste of electricity, it will make your home stand out, says Independent Traveler. Use a timer to turn lights on and off in the home at different times to ward off burglars. Be sure to remove any spare keys you leave lying around the yard, as well. Give one directly to your trusted friend or neighbor and get rid of the rest.

At Provident Protection Plus Insurance Agency, we want to ensure the protection of your valuable investments. Our comprehensive high-value umbrella program provides you peace of mind and protects more assets and provides higher coverage limits than a traditional policy. For more information, contact us today at (888) 990-0526.